Stranger Than Usual

Nicht alles hier ist ein Zitat

Zitate als fortune-Datenbank herunterladen

This is a pile of dead dwarves, an Elephant, and a cloud of Miasma. Those are the three most prevalent features in Boatmurdered.

Boatmurdered introduction

They may appear as mounts during a siege, though it's difficult to take an invader seriously when mounted upon a giant slug.

Dwarf fortress wiki about Giant slugs

The highlight of the last few bug-fixer sessions was definitely yesterday, when the king of my dwarves appointed a visiting merchant's yak as the general of the army while I was trading.

Toady One (24.5.2014)

Siegfried hatte eine Achillesverse an der Schulter.

Runic86: "[…] adding lesser demons, i mean, not everybody is the boss down there, right?"

PopeRichardCorey: "That's just it, my friend... These ARE the lesser demons."

Bay12 Dwarf fortress forum

That's against my code. I come from a long line of noble thieves who only steal for personal gain.

Klepto (Gastro Phobia)

I hope you brought something stronger than a portal gun this time. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll become the immediate past president of the being-alive-club.

— GLaDOS (Portal 2)

You: How have things been?

Tulon Tunlikot, Mayor: Well, let's see... we've got the army on the march, beasts, bandits and bone-chilling horror.

— Dwarf Fortress

It was inevitable.

— Almost anyone in Dwarf Fortress 40.1

This is DF2014

Nothing happens without lack of reason.

RealFear (Dwarf Fortress Forum)

Everything is messed up, you can enter a goblin dark fortress and they start killing each other, go to a tower and the zombies kill the necromancers, walk around a friendly city and people run from you and children stab you in the back. Everyone spits at you, but always miss anyway, you can have a polite conversation and trade with a merchant while dodging his swinging knife. You pummel a bandit to death in front of his friends "Just now Urist McAdventure attacked Bandi Stealstuff" "It was inevitable".

kiefenz (Dwarf Fortress Forum)

mineforce: I miss the old version where people are sane.

kiefenz: You mean the one in which you kicked a chicken and everybody fearlessly tried to murder you?

Dwarf Fortress Forum

OH NEIN! Merkel spricht Frankreich ihr Vertrauen aus. Das ist ja furchtbar! Noch mal schnell dort Urlaub machen, bevor alles zu spät ist?


Darth Vader hat bessere Umfragewerte als alle Präsidentschaftskandidaten in den USA. Alle bis auf vier haben schlechtere Umfragewerte als der Imperator. Und man muss schon bis zu Jar Jar Binks gehen, um Figuren aus Star Wars zu finden, die noch unpopulärer sind als der Großteil (aber nicht alle!) der Kandidaten.


When I unretired [the fort], I had the cabinets all be unbuilt in the bedrooms, a wagon in my dining room, all the caravan guards were now part of my fort, almost everyone was in their bedrooms asleep, and the forgotten beast was hanging out in one of the unoccupied bedrooms. Also, the merchants from the caravans started going berserk a few seconds after I unpaused. I just assumed they all had one hell of a party.

TacoSundae84 (Dwarf Fortress forum)

Newton ist tot, Einstein ist tot, und mir ist auch schon ganz schlecht.

Now, at first glance Minecraft is a game about making buildings and then feeling incompetent when you look at other buildings that are way, way better than yours.

Ich habe keine Lösung, aber ich bewundere das Problem.

— Ashleigh Brilliant

His super power is to make everything boring.

Parley (Gunnerkrigg Court)

Besonderere Hinweise: Vor dem Verzehr Zettel aus dem Keks nehmen.

— Glückskekspackung

Fun facts:

  1. Das European Extremely Large Telescope steht nicht in Europa.
  2. es ist tatsächlich extrem groß

Das Schienbein ist ein perfektes Sinnesorgan um in dunklen Räumen scharfkantige Möbel zu finden.


Um eine Datei zwischen zwei Formaten zu konvertieren, braucht man mindestens drei Programme: eins, um das Ursprungsformat zu lesen, eins, um die Daten zu konvertieren, und eins, um das Zielformat zu schreiben.

Vitruvius: "How do we get inside?"

Emmet: "In a spaceship."


— The Lego Movie

Emmet: "No! They're expecting us to show up in a bat-spaceship or a pirate spaceship or a rainbow-sparkle-spaceship."

Batman: "One of those sounds awesome to me."

— The Lego Movie

Basically the difference between a Mantis and a Teddybear is… everything.

True Facts About The Mantis

Kennt ihr den schon? Regligiöser Fundamentalist weigert sich, um[sic] Flugzeug neben einer Frau zu sitzen? Ihr könnt ja kurz mal raten, welche Religion. Hint: Die Tatsache, dass das nicht sofort klar ist, sagt an der Stelle alles.

  • Wait harder Jacob!! We need results now!
  • I'm waiting as hard as I can!
Buddy & Jacob (Precocious)

The best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one. And I'll be honest: Killing you is hard. […] You know what? You win. Just… go.

— GLaDOS (Portal 2)

Furthermore, each eye can move independently of the other, allowing the chameleon to look at two things at once. This however makes it painfully obvious when the chameleon is no longer paying attention to you.

True Facts About The Chameloen
  • So The kayak travels through time?
  • Sure! Just like everything else! It also goes over water.

I can't believe you made me use my phone like a phone!

Walky (Dumbing of Age)
  • "Did she use magic on her?"
  • "Nah, magic makes sense. What she does defies the natural order."
Order of the Stick

Go make some new disaster
That's what I'm counting on
You're someone else's problem
Now I only want you gone\

— GLaDOS (Portal 2)

Soon we won't be a bankrupt nation; we'll be a starving artist nation. It's basically the same thing, but it sounds way sexier at parties.

7 Ways My Modern Country Turned Into a Dystopia Overnight

Der BND hatte Spitzel beim Axel-Springer-Verlag […]. Das ist überraschend, finde ich, denn damit wären sie auf weiter Flur die einzigen gewesen, die beim Axel-Springer-Verlag Erkenntnisgewinn vermuten. Auf der anderen Seite ist der BND ja noch nie durch Kompetenz aufgefallen.


I am not mad. I am well aware I am in love with an idiot.

Dorothy (Dumbing of Age)

I put the curse of competence on your firstborn son!

fortune teller (Dilbert)

Step one: trust your instincts.

…unless your instincts are terrible.

— Vitruvius (The Lego Movie)

Windows.h must be the worst engineered header of all times.


Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?

— Captain Yossarian (Catch 22)

My smartphone promised to keep track of how many calories I burned every day, and then promptly congratulated me for hitting my daily mark after I jogged down the highway at 65 mph for 45 minutes.

Wait, wait, wait. Why the hell do you have a raven stockpile?

peskyninja (Dwarf Fortress Forum)

Es gibt inzwischen Ook!-Interpreter in Ruby, Python, Perl und C# sowie einen Ook!-zu-Brainfuck- und Brainfuck-zu-Ook!-Konverter in Java, Object Pascal sowie Brainfuck und Ook! selbst und damit bald mehr Ook!-Interpreter als Ook!-Programme.

Wikipedia über Ook!

Die ganze Welt dreht sich um mich, denn ich bin nur ein Egoist.
Der Mensch, der mir am nächsten ist, bin ich, ich bin ein Egoist.

— Falco, "Egoist"

200 frames. Two hundred friggin frames monster-free.

Taupe, Overseer of Doomforests (Bay 12 Dwarf Fortress forum)

There's a mandatory floor meeting at tonight at 7. I'll see you there, or nobody will ever see you again.

Ruth (Dumbing of Age)

Man, I'm never around for the fun stuff, but I'm sure as hell always around for the messy aftermath, aren't I?

Sarah (Dumbing of Age)

Nothing personal, it's just business. Lord Business.

— Lord Business (The Lego Movie)

Microsoft verschenkt jetzt Software für Linux. Die Apokalypse muss echt kurz bevorstehen!1!!

Update: Die Linux-Version segfaultet bei mir aus dem Stand. Vielleicht haben wir doch noch Zeit.

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