Stranger Than Usual

Nicht alles hier ist ein Zitat

Zitate als fortune-Datenbank herunterladen
  • Why are all of your letters addressed to "Commander Badass"?
  • Yeeeaah… That's my official title.
Manly Guys Doing Manly Things

Think of it this way: You can either have some snooty elf screaming in your face about trees, or you can have some kobold doing its best impersonation of how snooty elves act squeeking and trying to wave around the long flowing hair it doesn't have in a mockery of elven tradition.

NW_Kohaku about a kobold diplomat for elves (Bay 12 Dwarf Fortress Forum)

Tipp: Schlösser aufschließen geht am besten, wenn man den richtigen Schlüssel verwendet.

Let me get this straight, the four of you built a house and all four of you forgot where it was?


It's submodules all the way down!

Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.

Betteridge's law of headlines

Believe me, my friend. I too have spent many nights trying to drown my sorrows in guacamole.

— El Macho (Despicable Me 2)

There is no such thing as anonymized data.

Damn it — I can be just as stubborn as this thing.


Stopped cats from dying of alcohol poisoning after walking over damp tavern floors and cleaning themselves (reduced effect)

— Dwarf Fortress release notes (0.42.03)

The thing I hate about optimism is that it happens so often, they gave it a name!

Ruby (A Modest Destiny)

Darauf möchte ich nur in nichtöffentlicher Sitzung antworten.

— Aus dem NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss

These comically huge homepages for projects designed to make the web faster are the equivalent of watching a fitness video where the presenter is just standing there, eating pizza and cookies.

The website obesity crisis

Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.

Edward Snowden

Become a programmer, they said. It'll be fun, they said.

Ich hoffe, das sieht niemand. Ich hoffe einfach, dass sieht niemand

  • We're going to be in so much trouble — and it's all your fault!
  • Aw, you always say that.
  • Because it's always true!
Aldin and Hoffmann (Girl Genius)

Here comes your 19th nervous breakdown

— The Rolling Stones, "19th Nervous Breakdown"

Die ham immer was zu tun, immer was zu tun
Das Leben ist zu kurz, um sich auszuruhn
Die Harten stehn mim Spaten im Garten

— Tobias Mann, "Immer was zu tun"


— Ingsoc, 1984


Crystal (Order of the Stick)

0005971: Fat dwarves eating causes lag.

Dwarf Fortress Bug Tracker



Ohmygod. I'd built a self-destruct lever into my smelter.

— Please don't tell my parents I'm a supervillain

Kurze Durchsage der Uno: Internetzensur ist eine Menschenrechtsverletzung.

Leider kann ich das Video davon nicht zeigen, weil Youtube sich nicht mit der Gema einigen konnte.


Clinton: "S-so, uh, what brings you here today?"
Emily: "Dogs!"
Clinton: "...Dogs?"
Emily: "Dogs! ♫DOOOOOGS♫ Dogs!"
Clinton: "Dogs?!"

Clinton & Emily, Questionable Content

The Republican National Convention in Cleveland, the most apocalyptic thing ever to happen to that city and bare in minds, their river has repeatedly caught fire.

John Oliver, Last Week Tonight (2016-07-24)

Professor, my program won't compile and also it's displaying eldritch runes.

Emily (Questionable Content)

My father one wrote a monograph on how to communicate in the workplace.

All seven popes ordered it burned.

Gilgamesh Wulfenbach (Girl Genius)

Despite our protests, most celestial objects don't give a shit if we can see them or not.

Should array indices start at 0 or 1? My compromise of 0.5 was rejected without, I thought, proper consideration.

— Stan Kelly-Bootle

I have one of those metabolisms where I can eat whatever I want and my body converts it into energy and stores the excess as fat.


Nobody hates software more than software developers.

Jeff Atwood

Anyway, there's plenty of room for doubt. It might seem easy enough, but computer language design is just like a stroll in the park.

Jurassic Park, that is.

Larry Wall

Well, I have learned that parallel Dimensions are super boring.

League of super redundant heroes

Frog Smoothie.

Emily (Questionable Content)

undefined is not a function

— Javascript

The financial crises of the nineteenth century were successfully ended by ending the century; they were succeeded by the crises of the twentieth century.

— The thrilling adventures of Lovelace and Babbage

Every programming language embodies in it a philosophy about how problems should be solved. C reduces all problems to manipulations of memory addresses. Java turns every problem into a set of interacting objects. JavaScript summons Shub-Niggurath, the black goat of the woods with a thousand young, to eat the eyes of developers.

The Daily WTF

In 1969, a group of three former U.S. military officers led an invasion of Earth's nearest peaceful neighbor in space. At the end of their eight-day mission, nobody was left alive on the moon.

For example, it would definitely be horrible if your browser’s scripting language combined the prototype-based inheritance of Self, a quasi-functional aspect borrowed from LISP, a structured syntax adapted from C, and an aggressively asynchronous I/O model that requires elaborate callback chains that span multiple generations of hard-working Americans. OH NO I’VE JUST DESCRIBED JAVASCRIPT.


Scott Pilgrim ISN'T REAL?!

Pintsize (Questionable Content)

She's booooring! She doesn't want to commit any crimes. She doesn't have your super power, so she can't make me a dark energy powered hair dryer I can use to terrify the scientific community.

— Lucyfar (Please don't tell my parents I have a nemesis)

This is a lot like teaming with Lucyfar, only without forgetting to commit your crime because you got distracted by terrifying a man who kicked a dog.

— Apparition (Please don't tell my parents I have a nemesis)
  • “Listen, I can't talk right now. I'm at school… in a closet… A locked closet.”
  • “HUH?! D'joo scone the local protein already?!”
  • “…It was a small, cheerful girl that did this, actually.”

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world

But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out

— Lennon–McCartney, „Revolution“

These days the probably all come with deep learning or whatever. Drones, I mean. Maybe cats too.

Black Hat (xkcd)

The Computer is your friend. The Computer wants you to be happy. Happiness is mandatory. Failure to be happy is treason. Treason is punishable by summary execution.

— Paranoia

This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


The Sofa King is Sofa-King finished here.

Duke Nozzle (Erfworld)